Sunday, March 9, 2008


Now, I don't generally categorize myself as a chocoholic, like some of you I know... not to name any names *cough* Mom and Kacey :) but lately probably due to my pregnancy I crave it. Bavarian Cream Doughnuts, cupcakes with Chocolate frosting, chocolate chip cookies, Dr. Pepper (the 1 thing better than chocolate). So to get on with my "episode" after church on Sunday I realized how badly I needed to go grocery shopping. Fridays are my official grocery shopping day but I was too busy Friday and decided to wait till Monday. Needless to say there wasn't much that could fulfill my sweet-tooth. But just as I was about to give up after staring in the pantry, searching the freezer I got an idea. We did have left over chocolate chips from the Chocolate Chip cookie recipe I took off of Kacey's blog. These are to die for by the way! They lasted a whole 2 days before our family finished them. I would have made more cookies but we were out of eggs and sugar. Yep, my cupboards were bare. I melted the chocolate chips and dipped the last package of ritz crackers into it. Stuck them in the freezer and Wah Lah! A perfectly good way to enjoy chocolate. Call me crazy... Ashley and Breanne gave me funny looks and kept asking what I was doing. Oh, the lengths I'll go to get my chocolate fill. I guess you can consider me a chocolate convert, at least for the rest of this pregnancy.

Now you see em! 20 mins. later Now you don't!


emily said...

i'm sorry lindsy... but that is sick and wrong! ritz crackers and chocolate??? you definitely are pregnant, aren't you?!

Kacey said...

I'm totally laughing!
I thought up crazy stuff like that when I was pregnant too. One time when prego with Malia I was craving pickles but I normally don't like them so we didn't have any. We did however have pickle relish so I rolled some up into a torilla and there ya go. It totally satisfied my craving! Now I think disgusting!

BTW, you know what's REALLY good? Put crunchy peanut butter between 2 ritz crackers and dip into the melted chocolate...Mmm Mmm Delicious!

Leslierush said...

ya know whats funny is i saw the picture and i thought "oh man those look good." salty and chocolatey...perfect combo!

McKenna said...

Yummm. Ever since Germany I have become completely addicted to chocolate. So I know how you feel when you run out. Although, since I am not prego I have not had any such creative episodes and I have to limit myself to one bar a week or else I would have withdrawls.

Although, if you want me to bring you some really good German Shoko I totally will...
You can go to my blog and click under the link in the colomn *Best of Germany, and *Riter Sport and pick ones you think that you may like and I will bring them with me to the US when I come in April.