Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Summer Tribute

Ashley became an expert this summer at catching and raising grasshoppers. She checked out bug books at the library and did some online research. She quickly persuaded her sister and neighborhood friends to do the same. They spent hours upon hours looking for them, naming them and making bug houses for them. I think at one time I had five bug tupperware and shoe box houses on the front porch. I also attended a few funerals and consoled some tears when some of their favorites perished by way of a shoe or were smashed by the accidental two fingered death grip. She now has made catching grasshoppers a new trend at school. The kids are allowed to keep their bug houses in the classroom and take them out at recess where they show off their favorites. Our favorites were, Love, a tiny pink hued hopper, Friendship, a small white one and then there were the two big hoppers that were found clinging to one another and the girls thought they were making a family so they let them go.


Leslierush said...

we have so many grasshoppers here they would love it! but they aren't the cute little green ones they are the big nasty ugly ones that scare me to death. tell ashley we just caught a praying mantis and named him Goob. Maybe next summer she can study praying mantises cus they are really pretty neat!

Julie said...

That sicks me out in the worst way. Grasshoppers are gross. But, with that said, its very cute that Ashley's so into catching them. And that is hilarious that they let the 2 who were together go.

Kirsten Brockner said...

You've been busy posting! That is so funny how kids love insects. Beau cried forever when he caught a praying mantis and he left it in the cage too long and it died. He named him Manti!